Grant funding for property improvement

Coast and Country assists land managers with grant writing and applications. Various government and philanthropic grants are available to assist land owners with natural resource management and property improvement. Coast and Country has an extensive history in grant writing and has a proven track record in securing grant funds.

Our approach is simple: we listen, assess, and work with you to shape your application to ensure it hits the mark required by the funder. Knowing what the funder wants and balancing that against your business need is the key. From year to year, a funder may be chasing similar regional wide improvement outcomes, and over night the focus can change, and you need to adapt to the new direction.

Tracking these changes is the key to staying ahead of the pack, and will enable your business to actively plan to adapt or bypass the funder cycles. Multi-year planning for this change will ensure your property works are completed, you are reaping the benefits, and you are ready for the next round of grant opportunities.

The key to success is ensuring the grant work is for actions you gain from today. State grant programme priorities vary from region to region with the core priorities and principles focused on land, water, people and communities, and science and knowledge. A successful application is one that is discussed with the regional natural resource management body to ensure your need and vision matches the regional direction.

When the state grant programme does not match your direction other grant providers are available. These can vary greatly and are offered by: other land owners, philanthropic families and companies, and not for profits that specialise in rural Australia, environment, agri-business development, and international efforts.

Non government grant programmes can be a little harder to find and navigate. Government funded grants are supported by the regional natural resource management bodies and Land Carer groups, and often have a region rep to connect with. These organisation and people may already be known to you and are likely to know your area. Non government funded grant programmes often do not have a regional rep and in some cases may not be located in your state. In these cases, the conversation will be a little different but the desire is still the same. They have a bucket of money, they are looking for projects that demonstrate change, and they are looking for people to fund that can deliver.

Coast and Country has existing projects across Queensland. We work with land owners in a quarter of Qld catchments, which means we may already know the region and grants on offer.